
Davosboros is a lecture performance that plunges the depths of the psychological disorders of elite men.

Short Videos

Elon Musk ponders consciousness, artificial intelligence and the purpose of his life.

Steve Bannon follows the logic of “flooding the zone with shit”.

Full Performance

Zoom documentation of first performance, June 24 2022. Included in “Method of the Moment”, curated by Manuela Johanna Covini, 48hr Neukolln, Berlin, Germany.

Davosboros is a lecture performance that plunges the depths of the psychological disorders of elite men.

It consists of a series of looping animations, each segment featuring a different head of an elite man performing the subconscious. Jeff Bezos lip syncs his immortal wish, Elon Musk contemplates artificial intelligence, Jamie Dimon succumbs to his anxieties, Tucker Carlson gasps for breath on air and Steve Bannon becomes a chorus of pre-lingual grunts. In the endless loops, ouroboros is a dark symbol, inspired by the savage hypocrisy of the current moment.